Sunday, 19 January 2014

Interview with GamersLook

Welcome to another interview on the Grumpy Old Gamer! 

Today we have an interview with Jordan Marzec, creator and mind behind the website GamersLook. The website is designed to bring a wide range of interviews of gamers from all areas of Esports. Ranging from Pro players to well known amateur players, Gamerslook represents great contact with people in the Esports scene.

Below Jordan gives us some insight as to how GamersLook started and future developments.

1.     What is your gaming background before you started GamersLook?

Very good question! Well, I have been gaming since I was 5, with the very first Nintendo. My whole life I have grown up with video games, owning almost every system thats ever been released. As the years rolled on, as any gamer can tell you, the games gradually turn from just being fun, to a competitive level amongst friends. At a competitive stand point, I started when MLG first started LANing Halo 2. Being from Michigan, we had a majority of the top players, in the world, for Halo; Walshy, Victory, Mackeo ect. So, knowing that those players were in my own backyard, it prompted me to try and become a professional Halo player. Later realising, that it took way too much time, effort, concentration and money to get to the level that PRO players achieved. Not to say I didnt used to game 14 hours a day and put gaming before school (which almost every player did back then), but these guys I knew ate, slept and breathed this game. Now, I just play games casually to enjoy, have fun and fool around.

2. What prompted you to start GamersLook?

Back during the Halo 3 days, I used to conduct interviews on the MLG forums called MLG Community Interviews. I would interview players who were really active on the forums and in competitive gaming in general and post them for everyone in the forums to read. It was a great way to involve everyone in the community! I would always get a ton of positive feedback from players of all levels. Soon, however, it started to become difficult juggling school, work, hockey, gaming and doing interviews. Plus, as MANY gamers can relate, you get to that point in your life where you have to make a choice of what parts need to be let go, to make room for what you see yourself doing in the future. So, being 20 at the time, I figured I missed my shot to pursue anything more in the gaming industry and stopped all together.

Just recently, a year or less, I started to get back into it because of the uproars I kept hearing about COD. See, back in the old days, COD was a babyno one played COD because everything was invested in Halo. Once Halo 3 ended, thats when I disappeared from everythinglittle did I knowCOD was going to take the world by storm! I never imagined COD growing into what it is today. Its absolutely AMAZING to see so much passion and competitiveness in players again! When I saw this, it really pumped me up and reminded me of the interviews I had done 5-6 years ago and how much fun I had interviewing the players. From that point on, I knew I wanted to get back into the gaming community because lets face itonce a gamer, always a gamer. The rest is history and GamersLook was born!

3. What do you see as the important issues in COD Esports at the moment?

At the moment, it definitely is the ability to change teams so quickly, without there being consequences. Teams need to have players that can work out problemsnot just throw them aside and substitute them with another person. Back in the day, you NEVER saw teams changing like it was going out of style. Especially two, three or even FOUR changes before the next tournament. Its ridiculous. There will always be bumps on the road to success, but you have to learn to slow down and analyse the situation at hand and turn it into a positive. Golden Boy said it perfectly and I am paraphrasing when I say, if eSports is to be taken seriously by major companies, at a professional level, then there needs to be contracts set in place. If you are a professional gamer, this is your job and how you support yourself with income, then a contract needs to be signed. Hopefully, this will be implemented by next years seasonespecially if the changes continue drastically throughout this seasonwhich, sadly, Im sure they will.

4. Youll soon be attending GFG, tell us more about it and how did that come about?

Yes! I am extremely excited for Gamers For Giving! GFG is a charity event based in Michigan. It is run all weekend (February 8th-9th) at the Eastern Michigan University Center. Gamers from all over, come to play a variety of competitive games from Halo to COD to LoL to Starcraft etc. Its pretty much 48 hours of awesomeness! GFG is founded by, one of my good friends, Zach Wigal. Anymore information can be found, in detail, at their website

How this all came about: I was contacted by John Spiher, who is the PR Manager for Gamers Outreach. He liked what he had seen so far with our interviews and the growth/likeability we had already achieved within the community. He wanted to know if wed be interested in doing public interviews, at GFG all weekend, with the gamers attending. Of course, I couldnt say no to this awesome opportunity! Especially, since the event is so close and its for such a great cause. I mean, we get to interview gamers from all over the country AND interview some I used to play against so many years agoits going to be a BLAST! I cant thank John enough for reaching out to us and providing this opportunity. The event is just three weeks away and it cant get here soon enough!

5. What hopes/ideas do you have for the future for GamersLook and beyond?

This is a great question. Ive actually been asked this multiple times, since our start just a month or so ago. Right now, this a is small operation run by myself and co-founder, Alex. We didnt imagine how fast this all would take off and what a blessing its turned into. Our hopes are to one day have the chance to attend all of the gaming events and interview gamers from around the worldLIVE. We will still always continue to do online interviews, but it would great to travel around the world interviewing gamers from all platforms. We hope to attend as many events, this year, as possible. Were just happy that we have so much support, from so many gamers, worldwide. We cant thank them enough for sticking with us and wanting to be apart of it all! 

Thanks a lot to Jordan for his time in giving me this interview, and hope that he, Alex and GamersLook goes from strength to strength in the future!

You can contact GamersLook on twitter at - @Gamerslook
Or at their website -

Let me know your thoughts people, and feel free to get in touch -
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XBL - NastyNeil WR

Peas out chaps! 

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